On this post you will learn the quickest way on how to get 1,000 followers easily. No software needed and no money to spend! Absolutely FREE.
Apparently, as we all know, Instagram is one such platform and it is somewhere you can post pictures instantly. Having a good time with your family? Achieved something great? Experienced something terrible? Whatever the case, Instagram lets you share and get responses.
As a human, you are a social being and you need to be among people, know their opinions and talk to them about yours. Instagram is a great platform for that and the photos make it even more interesting. However, if you have fewer followers on Instagram, the number of responses may never satisfy you.
While waiting for others to comment on your life is not the healthiest way to go, having more followers is a necessity if you want to reach out to people for business purposes. The more followers you have, the more potential reach, sales and profit you will gain. One traditional way to get more followers is by paid advertisement.
If you are not ready for paying then you can try some simple method in which you can increase your Instagram followers free and steady, slow pace. But, let me tell you one thing- the followers you gain honestly are the ones that stay loyal. So, the question is how to get free Instagram followers and here are a few answers.
2 Ways To Get Get Free Instagram Followers
- The Get Quick Instagram Followers method
- The Boring but effective method
We will explain both method on this post on how exactly you could gain thousands of free Instagram followers. I like best the second method as it is easy and not boring.
The Get Quick Instagram Followers Method
This method requires a little bit of your time. But don’t worry this is very easy and 100% FREE. It asks for your time because you need to gather some points and use these points to get your FREE INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS. You ready? Here’s the method.
- First Go to this link and sign up.
- If you sign-up using that link you will get 100 free bonus credits. You will have to earn at least 300 credits to start using the platform and gain instagram followers.
- The process of getting credits is ALL FREE. All you have to do is choose a platform example Twitter Followers platform. Click on that platform and follow some accounts each follow will get you anywhere from 25 – 10 credits. Now just follow at least 20 accounts and you will get 200 FREE POINTS.
- You should have at least 300 points by now.
- Now, to get instagram followers for your account click on the “ADD SITE/PAGE” and follow the image below on how to get it up.

Platform Explanation:
Type – This is the type of platform you want to choose. You can choose Twitter followers if you want to get twitter followers. On this post you will learn how to get instagram followers so I will choose Instagram Followers.
Countries : So if you wan to have followers from United States only then uncheck this checkbox and choose only United States. If not then leave it be. I suggest you check this box since you are not familiar on how many accounts the country has and may fail to obtain target followers.
Username: this is your instagram usrename that one that follows next to your instagram profile.
Total Clicks: This is the number of followers in total that you want to get. Since you just gained 300 points you can get 30 – 60 followers easily. So if you have tons of points then of course you will get more followers!
Daily Clicks: This one is a dripfeed feature. Say you put 10 only here. So you will get 10 daily followers until you reach the total clicks you set.
CPC: This is the cost per click. Or the cost per 1 follower. I set mine to 10 so I can quickly get the followers I want. You can set it to 5 but the followers will be slow to be added on your account. So if you have 300 points and set your CPC to 10. So 10 x 30 (total followers) is equals to 300. You cannot set higher total of followers since you only have few points. Gain more points and gain more followers!
The Boring but Effective Method:
Built Attractive Profile
Why would people follow you if they do not have anything interesting to see or read? First, decide what your profile will be on. It may just be your personal blog account or it may be a business profile. In fact, you have the option to choose between these profiles.
Use good photos / filters:

Once you do, make sure the profile name is attractive and so is the logo. Describe the purpose of your profile in short yet catchy sentences in the description. You can include links to your website here as well.
Now comes the main task. Instagram users won’t follow an empty account. Because you seek followers, fill up your profile. Post pictures that are nicely taken along with meaningful and attention-seeking captions.
Create a grid that looks amazing or at least is soothing to the eyes and does not cause OCD. In fact, check out profiles you like and pay attention to the details. Pay attention to how they put one color beside the other and one post after another.
If your content is good enough, you will at least gain the basic number of followers.
Post Periodically
Why do you use Instagram? To enjoy its benefits of course. And, the benefits include posting pictures and also stories. The best way to be in vogue and gain attention is by being active.
No matter what, try posting regularly following your own time schedule. Have you check out “Nas Daily?” Nas is a guy who posts a 1-minute long video every single day covering various topics traveling around the world. And he has quite a great number of followers and a fan base.
The trick is to let your followers know who you are and what you are up to. Whether it is you showing yourself or just conducting business, your existing followers should know what to tell their friend when they refer you.
Apart from that, active posts will gain more likes and comments. This is where Instagram comes in and makes things easier. The more likes and comments you produce, the more spread your presence will be.
Be active by posting stories as well. Apparently, usually at least one direct message is on its way when five stories are posted. The more interested people get, the more followers you will get.
You should keep your stories highlighted in an organized way so that your followers and visitors can get an even clear idea about you.
Encouragement Engagement

Even when you post about a product, you can make the most engaging. You can ask questions, or ask for opinions by writing about yours. This will let the customers relate to a situation and they will then talk about it in the comments.
You will not only be able to gain more followers but you will able to build loyal follower relationship as your followers can converse with you.
Use Hashtags and Locations.
Many times when we look for something, we just write its name and search. The best way to search on Instagram is by using a hashtag. So, always use a specific #hashtag related to your profile and product on your posts or use trending HashTag to get your photo/video listed down together with the #hashtag list of posts.

However, do not use it too often as it may appear to be too desperate and people may find your profile for the wrong thing and get irritated.
Another such feature Instagram offers is location sharing. People often want to know what a real person in a location they are searching for looks like. As a result, adding the location will lead more people to your profile and help you gain more followers.
Conduct Contests and Giveaways.
You can host contests and giveaways where you spend really little for gaining a huge number of followers. Instagram contests usually involve the host telling their followers to do certain tasks and mentions friends in the comments.

This mentioning friends in the comments are the key to gaining more followers and there is a high chance these friends will follow you. Here are some list of common giveaways some users do in Instagram.
Get featured in Influential Profiles.
One good way to gain followers is to be featured on profiles that already have a huge number of followers. Profiles like Buzzfeed help you get more exposure. However, you will have to be very good at creating your content.
You can collaborate with influencers and famous bloggers as well.
Be Responsive Yourself and Target the Explore Tab.
If you want to gain followers, you have to be a follower as well. Find out communities that serve the same purpose as your profile. Stay by their side by commenting and conversing with them.
This will definitely increase your followers that too of the right kind. Apart from that, your target should be to reach the explore tab of others. If someone is interested in something your profile promotes, your profile should be so good that it reaches the explore tab of the user.
Bonus Tip:
- How to see who viewed Your Instagram Stories after 24 Hours
- Can someone see that I viewed their Instagram story even if we are not friends?
- How to unseen an Instagram story after you seen it?
- Can someone see that I viewed their instagram story if I Already blocked them?
- If I restrict someone on instagram can they see I viewed their story?
In Conclusion
Having a great follower base is very beneficial when you are conducting business or need exposure. Instagram is a great way to advertise yourself and what you serve. Make sure you include the address of your Instagram profile in all your social media accounts and well as business cards. The harder you try, the more followers you will get.
However, it is best to not be too desperate that you lose followers. Just take it slow and steady and you will have a loyal, royal number of followers.