10 Most Popular BUT Dangerous Apps for Kids

As a parent, our primarily concerned is the safety of our children. We all know the fact that our children today are most incline in using social media flat forms for the purpose of recreation. It means that they are always in contact with others.Regularly, many new apps are being created and it’s a difficult task for parents to keep on track on their child’s social media activities due to insufficient knowledge about this trendy application most of the child are using. These new trend of applications may somehow provide leisure and information to kids. Unfortunately, some of their favourite apps may turn out to be one of the most dangerous apps for kids they are using.

dangerous app for kids

The alarming thing about the utilization of this application is that it can be a doorway to strangers, bullies and online predators to take advantage on their vulnerabilities. There is no easy way on ensuring the safety of our kids especially when it comes to their access to the digital tools. One of the ways to protect your children is to supplement yourself with information.

Let’s take a look at some of the most dangerous apps for kids.


Dangerous app tiktok

TIKTOK – This is an app use for creating short videos and share it online. It can create 3-15 seconds short music videos and 3 to 60 seconds short looping videos.

Teenagers are using this app for the purpose of self-expression in the most creative way since several effects are added in the video.

The Dangers of TIKTOK App? We all know the fact that children now a days always follow the trends on social media. However, this app is for everyone and everybody can download this app in the play store. There are minors ages 13 below who also utilize this app which made it dangerous for them because there are some language in the videos which are not appropriate to many children.


The Dangers of VSCO app

VSCO – Like Instagram, it’s a photo creation app that gives user the tools to shoot, edit and post images to a profile. It is quite popular with high schoolers.

Many teenager are using this app because it has a more artistic feel than any other photo sharing apps. It has a serious editing which loved by everyone specially those who have interest in photography. With this, many users created an account to share their artistic photos and improve their photography skills.

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The Dangers of VSCO app? The privacy setting of VSCO is restricted to none. Meaning, anyone can see the photos they share. Aside from that, if users don’t opt to turn off the feature, anyone can see these locations due to the default settings that shares the location that any picture is taken or shared at. The most problematic thing about VSCO are the kids and types of photos that young children are sharing. Due to insufficiency of knowledge of the parents in today’s trend applications, teenager often use it to share grievous photos.


The dangers of Youtube for kids

YOUTUBE– An app use for educational videos and entertainment. It is a place to store and share video. You can easily control privacy settings.

The dangers of Youtube for kids? It is considered dangerous for kids because there are some inappropriate content that has been added to this application. It has no limitation on the video to watch even young children can access and watch different videos including those are not suitable for them.


The dangers of Tinder app for kids

TINDER – An app in connecting new and interesting people around you in a funny way. It is mainly used as dating app or an anonymous hook-up by teenagers.

The dangers of Tinder app for kids? This app can be worrying too in the part of parents because supposed to be this app is good under the age of 17 years old and above. However, Google doesn’t restrict anyone in downloading the app on the play store, even young ones can download if they wish too. This can be alarming on the side of the parents for it can be the cause of cybercrimes.


Dangers of Snapchat app for kids

SNAPCHAT – An app that allow user to send photos and videos that disappear after they’ve received it.

Young Children are having fun in using this app because of its compelling filters and special effects. Today’s generation are known to be “selfie buddy” and through capturing and sharing pictures they think they are making themselves a little bit happy.

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Dangers of Snapchat app for kids? Along this fun application is the danger they might undergo while using this app. Some kids believed that after taking pictures and sending it out, images can’t be saved and circulated. But it turns out that Snapchat pics don’t completely disappear from the device. And user can take a screenshot before the images will vanish.


The dangers of Instagram app for kids

INSTAGRAM – A photo sharing site owned by Facebook. It is used by billions of people around the world to share photos, videos and messages every day.

Teens use this app to flaunt achievements, share daily moments and keep in touch with family and friends.

The dangers of Instagram app for kids? Actually, there are no reports about danger in using Instagram but still parents are afraid that this app often used by their children might be an avenue to open them to inappropriate and malicious content. Hence, the over usage of this app leads children to destruction of their respective reputation.


The dangers of IMVU app for kids

IMVU – This stands for Instant Messaging Virtual Universe. Users interact with each other as avatars.

Why children use this app in the first place? Simply because of the experience the app offers. It has features where users create custom avatars and use them to chat with strangers in random chat or #D chat rooms. It is a bit exciting, isn’t it?

The dangers of IMVU app for kids? In contrary, this app is not appropriate for students specially those ages 13 and below. The app states that it is not meant for children but in some cases, teens still download and use the app. What is more dangerous about this app is that it can be a way for predators to identify their victims and to share personal information such as their numbers and photos.


The dangers of Whisper App for kids

WHISPHER – A kind of app that allows anyone to post secrets anonymously and chat with other users nearby to you.

The dangers of Whisper App for kids? There’s a saying that says, “It is better to talk to strangers, no judgement at all”. This what many children are doing now a days communicating with strangers because they have a thought that their secrets are safer with them than with their friends. Whisper app is a tool that make everyone connect with unknown person. The bad thing here is that they don’t have a single idea or even a bits of information whom they’re connecting with. Thus, this might be a way for strangers to take advantage of young children using this app once they meet already.

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POOF – An application that hides other apps on your phone. You can select which apps you would like to hide and their icons will no longer show up on your screen.

Why it is dangerous? Having this application on child’s phone can be alarming. Why? Because once it’s downloaded on their phones, parents doesn’t have an idea what their children is trying to hide in their phones. In some case, children use this application to conceal inapt content they have in their smart phones.


The dangers of Whatsapp app for kids

WHATSAPP – It is a messaging service that let users exchange unlimited text, audio, photo and video messages.

The dangers of Whatsapp app for kids? It is one of the most dangerous apps for kids because the interactions are on the platform other than their phone, meaning teens can have exchanges that are not saved on their phones which make it a little bit harder for the part of the parents to review their child’s phone.

How to avoid kids using dangerous app?

Not every messaging app that your child might be using will put them into harm nor allow them to get reach by strangers that might cause danger to them. However, we need to remember that safety first before anything else.

First thing to do is checking their phones on regular basis. As parents, checking your child’s phone especially before downloading the app doesn’t sound being nosy but responsible. Next is establishing social media rules, when is the appropriate time to use and not to use their smart phones. Also, take effort on explaining to them why you are asking them to hand their phones to check privacy setting and other communication activities.

Many children now a days, do not realize just how much information they are getting and how dangerous it can be. Lastly, exert time on communicating face to face with your children rather than just asking them and checking their phones. Study reveals that parent who often talk with their child save them a kind of danger they might be encountering.

1 thought on “10 Most Popular BUT Dangerous Apps for Kids”

  1. youtube is the most dangerous one. everyone can use it. including kids… yet parents are really blind and busy to have a thought about it.


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