Hidden Backdoors in Huawei-supplied Vodafone Equipment Found

Huawei Vodafone Backdoor

Hidden Backdoors in Huawei Chips for Vodafone Found It was last quarter of 2007 when Huawei and Vodafone strategic partnership started, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. sends equipment to Vodafone, like routers. Since then, this strategic partnership has led to many more other opportunities, including the recently announce 5G network project. But the same as usual … Read more

Huawei’s Android License Revoked by Google – updates

Google Banned Huawei Android

As the title says Huawei’s Android License Revoked by Google. Yes, The internet is going crazy when Google announces that they are revoking Android license to Huawei. This issue caused too much noise in social media, and much of a concern to Huawei smartphone users. The Shenzhen based Chinese giant-tech Company, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. … Read more

Capturing Your Visitor’s Email Address: Why is it important?

Email Marketing for Business

On this post you will learn how to collect email address on your website and why it is important to do so. There are several bloggers and online business owners don’t realize the importance of capturing their visitors’ email address. According to the Baymard Institute, there is 69.57% average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate. … Read more

Google throws in the towel for the failed Google+ Social Network

Google Plus Shuts Down

Last April 02, 2019, giant tech company Google finally bids goodbye to Google Plus, their social media platform attempting to compete with Facebook and Twitter. The shutdown was due to “low usage” and because it turned out to be Google’s security liability.  The initial closure was announced way back October of 2018, when the first … Read more