10 Myths about Computer Viruses

In this age of computer technology advancement, security threat comes with it. Most of us rely on our personal computers, laptop or mobile devices to do day to day tasks, ordering grocery online, shopping online, and banking online- these were the major example of online transaction that we do. So with this being said, our devices should be free from viruses or malwares to make your personal information safe on your devices. So it is important to know when your computer is infected with viruses.

Here are the most used Myths about Computer Viruses. Viruses are type malicious software that is used by hackers to get into your personal device to collect private information including your log in credentials to may be your online banking account, thus compromising your saved money.

However, as important as you should know when your computer is infected, it is equally essential to really know if the information you know about computer viruses are true, since there are a lot of “Myths” about computer viruses out there that doesn’t even make any sense.

Here, we will list down top 10 Myths about Computer Viruses.

1. Apple or Mac Devices can’t get any viruses

Virus in Apple and Mac

FALSE! – Mac devices can also get viruses if you are not careful, especially Mac devices are on the rise, hackers are creating a viruses and software codes to get into these devices. Remember in 1982, the first computer virus set loose was coded for Apple devices, which was called Elk Cloner and was coded by a fifteen-year old. So if you have Mac device, or planning to have one, don’t be fooled by this myth and make sure to be careful using your device to avoid viruses that might steal your bank details and other personal information.

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2. If your computer has Anti-Virus or Anti-malware installed, it can’t get any virus ever

FALSE! – Yes, it is advisable to get these trusted anti-virus or anti-malware installed into your devices, but it will not 100% guarantee that your computer can’t get any virus ever again. These software like, McAfee or AVG, will help your personal computers get rid of these viruses, but still, if you’re not being careful then you might get your computer a virus and yes this is just another myths about computer viruses.

3. Viruses were created by Anti-Virus or Anti-Malware Company

FALSE! – We said it is false because no evidence yet that supported this conspiracy. Viruses were created and written by hackers for the sole purpose of stealing money, and they do it by getting into your private information on your computer, like your bank details, etc. So having a legit and trusted anti-virus or anti-malware software is essential in gearing yourself away from these hackers and their viruses.

4. You will know immediately if your computer got virus

Myths about Computer Viruses

FALSE! – Though there are some viruses, depending on their creator, which can be noticed immediately, like if your computer suddenly shuts off, or there are a lot of pop-up windows, etc. But most virus writers makes their virus run so subtle, almost unnoticeable.  Example is the Storm worm which infected millions of PC around the world, this virus posing a breaking news about a severe weather condition in Europe, so when you click on the news piece it will get into your computer since it travel through an online network.

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5. You will automatically contract the virus when you open a spam email in your inbox

FALSE! – opening a spam email will not automatically contract the virus on your PC that is unless you clicked a lick attached to it when you have the message opened. With that being said, always be careful in checking emails, yes, some email services provider like GMAIL has an automatic spam checker, but then again, some viruses run so unnoticeable, as what they say, think before you click.

6. Viruses will not affect you much if you don’t have any important file saved in your computer

FALSE! – Yes, you may have no important or private files saved in your computer, but somehow you did use your computer to go to the wen, and check your bank details, or did online shopping, so you still have entered some important log in credentials that a virus can detect and restore. Better be safe than sorry.

7. Your Personal Computer slows down when infected

FALSE! –  When your computer slows down, it does not necessarily mean it is infected with a virus, remember that creators of these viruses made sure that these viruses will run into your computer almost unnoticeably, though it is a possibility and you might want to scan your personal computers at these times, but try to also check if there are several programs opened all at once, or too many files are stored in it.

8. Your computer will be physically damaged because of the virus

FALSE! – A virus will not make your personal computer or laptop explode, though, depending on the virus, it might affect the performance of the computer, for example if the virus was able to penetrate into your laptops BIOS, which is somewhat like responsible for the hardware functions, thus, this will cause some hardware to act weird not function at all.

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9. Pop-ups are Virus

FALSE! – Pop-ups happen on some certain websites, though some are legit pop-up ads, be careful because there are some that are not, especially on adult sites. When this happen, just don’t click the pop-up, close it and go back to your original site.

10. If your computer is infected, just reinstall the Windows and copy everything back

FALSE! – reinstalling the Windows and copying everything back will re-infect your personal computer. To get rid of viruses on your computer, you have to use a trusted anti-virus or anti-malware software to clean the virus out. This will scan your data to make sure they are free from viruses. In most cases, it is not necessary to reload your computer’s operating system if its infected, a trusted anti-virus software will do.

There you have it, these are the most common misconception about computer viruses.

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