Quickly Generate A Temporary Email Address

Are you bombarded with spam on your personal email address inbox? This is probably because you have been using your personal email address to sign up websites that send you automatic newsletters and updates. In some cases, these websites sell your email address to other entities and those entities send you another batch of unsolicited emails. And I could go on. Well, if you can’t avoid signing up on that particular website then at least use a temporary email address.

A temporary email address is also called a disposable email address. These email addresses are widely used by techie users worldwide they have been around for more than 10 years in the internet and you probably just discovered them by reading this post.

Today, I am going to share to you a really cool disposable email address generator website that generates instant email address that you can use right away to sign up on any website you want and acquire the confirmation email easily. I have been personally using this website for almost everyday on my internet life. Rest assured this is the most safe and sleek temporary email address generator you could find online.

Why You Need A Temporary Email Address?

Well, as I have said earlier websites sells your personal information to other entities that includes your personal email address. Now, you want to avoid that since spams will get file up on your inbox and you are get bored with your mailbox because all you see are spam.

If you sign up on a website that doesn’t particularly give importance to you then a temporary email address is the way to go. Plus it’s anonymous who don’t want to be anonymous online?

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Here’s A Tutorial How To Use A Temporary Email Address

  • First off, Simply go to https://instant-email.org/ – there are many temporary email address provider this one is my personal favorite. They are simple, easy, FAST, and most importantly fewer ADS – for me that’s important.
  • You can see right away that textbox where you can edit your username and choose a domain name for your temp mail address.
Temporary email address
Instant-email.org GUI – Temporary email address
  • Now, you can easily set what username you want and what domain you want to choose. As you can see, they have numerous domains to choose from. You can even use them to sign up on Facebook. I tried one myself.
  • With these, you can sign up with an unlimited number of accounts on some websites without using yahoo mail or other email address provider that are very hard to sign-up because they have a phone verification system.
  • After you choose a domain you can see below instantly the email address you have just generated and it’s ready to use!
Temporary email address 1 - Quickly Generate A Temporary Email Address
Insant-email.org GUI – Temporary email address
  • Now, I will try to sign-up on disqus using this email address. Watch and learn!
Working Temp Mail
Testing Instant-email.org on Disqus – Working Temp Mail
  • After I clicked the sign up button its done. Now go back to insant-email.org and see if you received the confirmation email.
Testing Instant-email.org on disqus
Testing Instant-email.org on disqus
  • And there you have it! Our temp mail is fully working. You can use this email address on any website you want to sign up to.

Personal Thought

You should love how powerful that tool is. Imagine not using your personal email address to some websites that may send you spam emails. You should know that most of them will tell you “We do not spam” then you could see your mailbox getting full with spam right after you sign-up on them.

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You should also note that since this is a temporary email address. Use it only to something not so important. Because when you read their Privacy Policy it says that they do not store your emails in more than 3 days. So meaning after 3 days your emails will be gone for good!

One more thing that I like on Instant-email.org is that they frequently change their list of domains to avoid blockage from websites. How, cool and responsible is that?

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