How To Have An Adapting Cybersecurity

 Cyber security
Cyber security / shutterstock

Every system built in the real world has security. Set a banking institution as an example, the entrance has guards on it even the inside has more. The same setup applies online. For online business owners having a strong Cybersecurity is a must but how to have an adapting one is not easy.

Any individual or an organization will like to buy a magical permanent solution against all Cybersecurity problems and all can sleep without fear. But it is easier said than done. Technology nowadays keeps on evolving like a 4G became a 5G network and soon become 6G.

Let us face the truth, having a Cybersecurity is not easy and to have a strong yet adapting one is a challenge! There is no magical formula to have one but there are a handful of things that anyone can do to achieve lower exposure to risks as well as significant security posture improvements.

With the right platform, intelligence, and expertise along with what mentioned above can help anyone or any institution evade the vast majority of threats. Plus it can also help in detecting and responding to any attacks that get through the system more quickly. No system is safe, that is a reality.

The Challenges of Having a Cybersecurity

It is very indeed a challenging thing to have a Cybersecurity for many reasons but the evolving perimeter that surrounds as well as the complex solutions are not helpful.

A long time ago all but a faint distant memory, according to the Techno standards, Cybersecurity was built around a mere concept of INSIDE vs. OUTSIDE and US vs. THEM or vice versa. The servers, users, applications, and data inside the network system were basically trusted while everything outside was flagged as a potential threat.

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The creation of free public Wi-Fi, hotspots, and handy laptops on the go, mobile devices includes phones, tablets, watches, and cloud computing devices have eroded the concept of a fixed perimeter. The old model of perimeter defense is not valid anymore because attacks can be anywhere. Worst, most attacks are appearing to be valid and legitimate users. Software that hasn’t been updated just like what happened to VLC – which hackers found a way to inject malware to its users.

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On the other hand, new platforms and technologies are developed thus Cybersecurity vendors are forced to create specific point solutions for each problem. The result of this scenario is confused, mixed tools and services that serve specific facets of the perimeter but does not always play well with each other. This does not provide a comprehensive approach to the whole system but rather a complex one. The said whole security system must be understood and stand-alone.

We can’t remove the fact that the threat or attack landscape is expanding and evolving worsening any solutions even more. Attacks have become stronger, more complex, and harder to be identified such as the famous file-less “Living off the Land” (LotL) attacks.

The diversity of the Information Technology systems, in particular, the hybrid or multi-clouded environment, gives way to misconfiguration. Inevitable human errors expose the network to unnecessary risks.

The attackers are also learning and adapting the Artificial Intelligence (AI) to bypass or evade detections along with the automation of developing customized attacks.

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Ways to Enhance Your Cybersecurity

With all those things mentioned above sounds discouraging like there is no hope but there are measures we can do. Bear in mind that our goal is to neutralize attacks or weaken them at least. There is no perfect Cybersecurity system.

As the title of this article, “How To Have An Adapting Cybersecurity”, we must learn to adapt to threats and attacks. One of the goals is to give a hard time for the attackers to penetrate your network system and improve your chances of quick attack detections, stopping them in time. Being smart or knowledgeable is our best defense. We must know our enemies like we know ourselves coming from Sun Tzu’s Art of War book.

Here are the five keys in order to implement that:

  1. You need to evaluate your business objectives and unique attack surface.

Select a threat detection method that can address your workloads properly. Cloud servers are unpredictable they spiral out of control UP and DOWN on a regular basis. Your Cybersecurity system’s detection should follow the provision and de-provision of the engine cloud platforms. The collection of metadata to follow events must be observed because of detection traverse in dynamic environments. Most SIEMs (SIEM stands for Security information and event management) cannot do this.

  • Vulnerabilities must be eliminated even before they are detected.

This method uses vulnerability assessments to identify and remove disadvantages before they become exploited. This includes assessing full application stack, system code, third-party code, and code configurations.

  • Data from multiples sources must be aligned to improve use cases and desired outcomes.
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There are kinds of data that must be collected, inspected for any suspicious activity namely; web, log, and network. Each data type has its own unique strengths in identifying certain threat kinds and altogether, gives a whole picture for greater precision and actionable context.

  • Analytics can be used to detect the latest sophisticated attacks.

Sounds complex but don’t be confused, it is ensuring your threat detection mechanisms are looking in real-time events and patterns alongside the past historical events across time. Machine application learning is advised here in order to find out what you are specifically looking for. If you use SIEM, make sure to apply machine learning in order to see missed correlations and tune your SIEM rules better.

And last but not least of course:

  • Align your security goals according to your business demands.

There are more ways to improve your security posture and identify threats. Most of SIEMs have traditional approach in finding threats. They are most helpful for organizations that have a well-rounded staff security program but a SIEM alone isn’t the best answer for security monitoring against today’s web applications and cloud surfaces.

Again remember, no system is safe, just counter arising problems. Be smart is the best defense.


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