Earning money is hard but losing money in your credit card is even harder. Each day the cases of financial fraud continually increases. In that manner, credit card holder must arm themselves with knowledge on how they are going to protect your credit card online.
According to ShiftProcessing.com there has been 24Billion Dollars in losses because of credit card fraud worldwide in 2018. 39% of those fraud came from the USA and those number are not stopping their.
There has been a rise of credit card payments online this year. 69% of fraud starts with a consumer being done by phone alone. But worry not here are the simple steps you could do right now to include you from these numbers. Now here are the 8 most basic tricks you can make to protect your credit card from online predators.
The following are 8 tips to protect your credit card details online:
Learning the Basic
In life or even when it comes to protecting our credit cards, before we can proceed any further, we need to learn first the basic. These includes securing your phone, personal computers as well as your connection to the internet. Making sure that your operating system is up to date and putting strong password in your device are also part of the basic things you need to know.
Basic Security
- Have an updated Anti-virus software on your PC – having an anti-virus software blocks 99% of attacks! Make sure to have one!
- Make sure to only connect to a trusted WIFI connection when you are away from your home or own data connection.
- Don’t let anyone unknown use your mobile phone. They could be hackers you know!
- Always update your PC / Laptop with the latest security enhancements. Windows always release those updates.
#2. Keeping Account Number Private
Thief always look for ways to get hand on your credit card number. To get rid of this you need to keep your card private especially when you’re out in public. Do not make transactions over the phone where it involves giving your account number or personal information. Although it’s coming from reputable company, still you can’t trust anyone.
- Don’t share your account number to anyone. Especially online when you don’t trust the transaction.
- Don’t take a picture of your credit card and show it online!
#3 Use Fake credit card details on Untrusted websites
This is probably the most sneaky method on how you can hide your financial details on untrusted websites. The use of fake credit cards are very common among people who are deeply aware of the dangers of use of your real credit card details and entering it on a random website which you are not even sure if its a legit website. There are numerous websites offering this kind of credit card details. Among of which are the following trusted websites:
Generate random credit card details using the following websites:
- https://ccardgenerator.com/
- https://www.getcreditcardinfo.com/
- https://fakedata.net/generate/site/generatecreditcard – here are fakedata.net we help you protect not only your credit card but also your identity.
- http://www.getcreditcardnumbers.com/
#4 Updating information from time to time
If you happen to change any single information such as your phone number or email address, always make sure to check if your account is also up to date. It is important to know if your account still follow your recent address and provides you notification of its movement. Signing up for fraud alerts can also be a good idea to give you updates of whatever happening in your account. This way, if anything goes wrong you will be aware and can make actions quickly.
- Update your mobile number for more secured transaction. Often banks will ask you if you have an updated mobile number.
- Enable two-factor authentication so that every transaction you will get double the verification.
#5 Minimizing online shopping and Payment accounts

Due to the increase of higher technologies and scarcity of time, people are well-satisfied shopping and paying bills online through the help of their mobile phones and computers. However, you need to do it safely because the chip cards have fraudsters’ online, waiting to steal and raid your bank accounts. It’s not easy to get rid of online shopping since it become a regular routine particularly to women but in when it comes to making your account safe, limiting yourself from online shopping can be of help. If in case this thing is hard for you, just try to select shop with big retailers and watch out for fake sites.
- Don’t shop on untrustworthy websites.
- Don’t use your credit card right away.
#6. Changing Passwords Regularly

One way of protecting your credit card details is putting a hard- to -provoke passwords on your account. Using common passwords like “I love you”,”000”,”123” or even passwords that has connection to your personal information like your birthdate and year are not advisable. It would be better also if you consider getting Password Manager to generate strong passwords and Password Checker to regularly check your password.
#7. Adding up another layers of security
Aside from typing your password anytime you’ve got to have transactions, it’s highly recommended to set up multi-factor authentication into your accounts. Meaning, you can enter code that is connected to your phone number or email address to verify and validate process in your account.
#8. Creating alerts on your accounts

Every companies who issue credit cards offers free account alerts, make sure to at least avail one. This can be beneficial to you in providing safety usage of your credit card. For instance, you can set a text or email alert for any purchase in any amount or any time you make use of your card.
#9 Applying safely any credit card offers
As part of fraud acts, there are a lot of messages sent in your email account. This include offers that targets your bank account. Before considering any of it, it’s best to call or visit your card issuer to have some advice. You can also choose not to respond to offers via emails, but if you are really interested with the offer, do the research and check its background features and reliability.
#10 Checking credit reports
The best way to protect your account and making sure no new accounts have been opened in your name by other people is to check your credit report regularly. This is essential for the reason that it will give you timely updates and records happening in your account.
There are many ways on securing your credit card details online but most of it comes from intelligence coupled with someone’s common sense.
Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂
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